Sunday, June 11, 2017

June 11 storm....

All is well at the Arb after our morning storm.....wild for a short time. Hail, strong wind, but it passed quickly. Chicks are fine and poor Mom survived the beating. I was out checking nests and it got so dark and ominous that I hurried home. I will probably head out again and check a few nests. I think it's clear now that the third egg in the Arb nest will not hatch. I believe that actually was the first egg laid. The egg was probably infertile. Remember that frequent copulations are what is required to fertilize the egg...and at the beginning Mr Z3 was spending some time at another nest, so the timing of copulations may not have been effective in fertilizing that egg. We are happy to have two healthy chicks tho. It will be interesting to see what the adults do with the egg. Sometimes they bury them in new nest material.
I am worried about some nests in more precarious locations and I will continue making the rounds as possible and hope that the nest monitors will report their observations.....some already have. So far, only good news!

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